
2024. 10. 20  Polio Day2024 at Ark Hills

「世界ポリオデー2024」参加してきました! 六本木アークヒルズ カラヤン広場って初めて行きましたが素敵な場所ですね~



                        2024-25 奉仕委員会 古殿

#Rotary #EndPolio #RID2750

   toukyou tawa-

 ポリオ 集合時 a-ku

2024. 8. 21  親睦委員会企画【暑気払い】



2024. 6. 22  御礼:10周年式典 Thank you: 10th Anniversary Ceremony

 2024年6月8日 快晴の中、国際基督教大学東ヶ崎潔記念ダイアログハウス内 国際会議場で10周年記念式典を開催させて頂きました。

 100名を超えるご登録を頂き、平和フェローの卒業生も遠くはスリランカからこの式典の為に来日を頂き現役の平和フェローを含め国際色豊かな会となりました。Margaret会長もマレーシアから来日し、In Face で皆様をお迎えすることが出来ました。




                       10周年式典実行委員会 委員長 古殿 智浩

私たちのクラブ紹介 Our Club imfo


式典当日、世界中からご挨拶 Greetings from around the world on the day of the ceremony



We really enjoyed the ceremony! Thank you so much!


是非、毎週の例会へのご参加をお待ちしています。We look forward to seeing you at our weekly meetings.

On June 8, 2024, under clear skies, the 10th anniversary celebration was held at the International Conference Hall of the Kiyoshi Togasaki Memorial Dialogue House of International Christian University.

We had over 100 registered participants, including alumni and current Peace Fellows from as far away as Sri Lanka, who came to Japan for the ceremony.

I would like to thank not only the Rotary community but also ICU for their support in making this 10th anniversary celebration possible at the same location as the Charter Night 10 years ago.

We were honored to have Dr. Aragaki, Director of the Rotary Peace Center, the only Rotary Peace Center in Japan, give a commemorative talk, which renewed our own commitment to peace and to the future activities of the Rotary Peace Fellows who are learning about it.

We hope to expand our exchange with many Rotarians and Peace Fellows beyond our region in the future. Here is a video of the day's activities. Please enjoy it.

Tomohiro Furudono, Chair, 10th Anniversary Celebration Committee

2024. 5. 14  2023-24IM用クラブ紹介ビデオ_東京ピースウィングロータリーEクラブ

2024. 4. 17  Bicycle Donation Project 自転車寄贈プロジェクト

Rotary E-Club of Tokyo Peace Wing supports Rotary Club of Sentosa, Singapore’s Bike-to-School Project in Cambodia

On January 19, 2024, the Rotary E-Club of Tokyo Peace Wing proudly supported the Rotary Club of Sentosa, Singapore, in their commendable Bike-to-School Project in Cambodia. This initiative, spanning a decade since 2014, has been a beacon of hope for at least 1,000 students in Siem Reap’s rural expanses, providing them with a means to overcome the transportation barriers that often stretch between 3 to 10 kilometers to reach their schools.

Each bicycle, a symbol of mobility and opportunity, is provided at a cost of USD 60. These bikes carry not just the students but also the names of their sponsors, displayed on weatherproof signboards affixed to the baskets. The bicycles, once cherished possessions, are restored with new handles, baskets, brakes, and seats, and adorned in the blue and gold hues that represent Rotary International’s spirit.

In a country where education is held in high esteem, Cambodian students often face the challenge of affording basic educational necessities such as uniforms, shoes, and books. The Bike-to-School Project eases one significant burden by ensuring transportation is not a roadblock to their learning journey. The recipients of these bicycles are selected based on their school attendance and academic achievements, with priority given to those residing furthest from their educational institutions.

President Margaret Soo, a dedicated Rotary World Peace alumna, has been a fervent supporter of this project for several years. This year, the Rotary E-Club of Tokyo Peace Wing has contributed five refurbished bicycles, continuing its legacy of fostering education and peace through practical support and international solidarity









2024. 3. 7  地区大会参加報告 Flash report of District Annual Conference

Preliminary report on participation in the district conference

Article: TAJIMA Ryoichi

*This article is a reprint of an article that was published as a regular meeting table talk.


Hafa Adai, everyone! (Hafa Adai is a greeting from Guam and Saipan, and means "hello" in Chamorro)
The 2024-25 District Conference was held on February 26 and 27 at the Grand Prince Hotel Shin Takanawa in Shinagawa, Tokyo. I; the District Secretary Tajima send you a preliminary report on the participation.



The district conference will be held on February 26 and 27, and a welcome aboard party hosted by Governor Miyazaki was held on February 25 for those who came to Japan from Taiwan and PBG to participate. Participants here included district officers, sister districts, and PBG officials. We gathered at Hinode Pier in the evening and boarded Symphony Classica. Unfortunately, it was rainy and very cold outside, but it was warm inside the ship, and the karaoke contest was a great success! I think the participants from Taiwan and PBG were very happy.



On the first day of the convention, the 26th, a meeting of club presidents and secretaries and a welcome dinner for RI president's representatives were held. the RI president is too busy to attend district conferences around the world, so a representative is appointed to attend each district conference in his/her place. This year, RI Director Sato, the RI director elected in Japan, visited us in this capacity. To welcome the RI president's representative, a banquet is held the night before the main convention. It was a very elegant and beautiful dinner (though a bit expensive), so please join us if you have a chance.



On the second day of the convention, the main meeting was held. The venue was packed with probably over 2,000 attendees from all over the district! I think it was the highest number of attendees for a district convention in recent years. (Detailed attendance figures are not officially available.)
The event was very well organized, including a district overview report by the governor, presentation of donations, a bandura performance by Mrs. Katerina from Ukraine, and a special lecture by a former Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF) naval general.



After the closing ceremony, we had the reception we had been waiting for!
In past years, some people have gone home without attending the reception after the ceremony, but this year, a great number of people attended the reception as well. The registration fee includes the reception, so if you don't attend, you are missing out!
The excitement reached a climax with a drum performance by Governor Miyazaki! The two hours went by in a blink of an eye.
If you were unable to attend this year, please join us next year!


2024. 1. 1  地区補助金事業 ポンペイ車いす寄贈 with PohnpeiRC

10周年記念奉仕事業のご報告です。 We are pleased to report on our 10th anniversary service project.


With the help of PB Group clubs, we donated wheelchairs to the island of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.

    vacation_island     kurumaisu_blue 


This is the second time for the club's overseas service projects. The number of overseas clubs working together has increased!

ポンペイロータリークラブ リック会長とバナー交換をしました!

Banner exchange with Rotary Club of Pohnpei President Rick  


#Rotary #補助金事業 #DG

2023. 12. 2  米山記念奨学生 冬の懇親会 Yoneyama Scholars Winter Reception

米山記念奨学生の冬の懇親会 Winter Reception for Yoneyama  Scholarship Students



The meeting was held at the Asakusa View Hotel at the invitation of Governor Miyazaki and Chair Kasutani.Under very clear weather, many Yoneyama scholars and Yoneyama alumni gathered. The main role is played by the Yoneyama Scholar

yoneyama  GVN2  米山 粕谷委員長


The two lectures on "learning about careers" by senior Yoneyama alumni were wonderful, with not only the scholars but also us Rotarians nodding their heads in agreement.

    yoneyama 23

スカイツリーをバックに小金井さくらRCの奨学生 バイカルさんと劉さん

With the Sky Tree in the background, Sakura Koganei RC scholarship  Ms. Baikal and Ms. Liu

米山 ゲスト5  米山 デザート6



ロータリーの仲間たちに再会しつつ、以前話せなかった奨学生たちとお話ができてすごく暖かい気持ちになりました。 ありがとうございました

My schoolmates talked about their careers, which was very helpful in my career planning.

It was a very warm feeling to be able to reconnect with my Rotary friends and talk to scholars I hadn't been able to talk to before. Thank you very much

2023. 10. 29  End Polio

10月29日 End Polio 宮崎ガバナー日本横断サイクリングチャレンジ




  231029フェロー  231029ポリオ車

2023. 10. 24  End Polio 海外から

10月24日は世界ポリオデーです。マレーシアのクアラルンプールにある会長のインターナショナル・スクールのインターアクト・クラブが、国際ロータリーの「END POLIO NOW」キャンペーンに2,000ドル(約299,700円、9,535リンギット)を寄付したことをお知らせします。



Taji & BoyTaji & Girl




World Polio Day
